Saturday, July 01, 2006


Dog Cages for Turtle Eggs

These are pictures of our most successful attempt at stopping predation of turtle nests. These cages have been up for a month. They are dog cages held in place by rocks. Both of these protected sites were laid by map turtles. Does anyone know if the scent eventually goes away and they can be removed? I worry a bit about the small turtles not being able to make their way under or through the cage.

On June 27 we still had map turtles laying in this lane way. On that day we also saw our 4th stink pot turtle on land. They have not been observed on the nest, but I think it is a safe assumption that that was the reason for their onshore visits. Since we have never seen any up close and personal before this is a banner year. All four have been around Mitchell Creek Bridge.

Two of our map turtle eggs developed significant indentations; they were collapsing in on themselves and the shells were soft. They have been discarded. We still have seven map turtle eggs and twenty eight snapping turtle eggs that are looking well. Only time will tell.

What an interesting adventure you are
having! Good luck with everything.

P.S. Brianna's drawings are very, very good.
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